Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012

ScriptDesigner.jpg' alt='Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' title='Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' />Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2. Update 4 MSDN Library. Debugging, optimizing, and publishing Metro style apps Debug a Metro style app locally by using the traditional debugging model for Visual Studio. For more information, see Debugging and testing Windows Metro style apps. Debug a Metro style app by using the Metro style simulator. You can use the Metro style simulator to run Metro style apps and to simulate common touch and rotate events on the same machine. For more information, see Running Windows Metro style apps in the simulator. Debug a Metro style app by using the remote debugger to run, debug, and test an app thats running on one device from a second machine thats running Visual Studio. For more information, see Running Windows Metro style apps on a remote machine. Debug a Metro style app interactively by using Java. Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' title='Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' />Script debugging tools, including DOM Explorer and Java. Script Console window. For more information, see Debugging apps Java. Devart is a vendor of database management software, database connectivity solutions, and developer productivity tools. Web Site Test Tools and Site Management Tools More than 570 tools listed in 14 categories. Organization of Web Test Tools Listing this tools listing has been. Script. Find performance bottlenecks in your functions and algorithms. You can use Visual Studio Profiling to identify where the code of your app spends the most processing time. For more information, see Analyzing the performance of Windows Metro style apps. Check the code in your Metro style app for common defects and violations of good programming practice. For more information, see Analyzing the code quality of Windows Metro style apps with Visual Studio code analysis. Create a developer account at the Windows Store, or reserve a name for your Metro style app. You can interact with the Windows Store by using several commands on the Store menu. Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' title='Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' />For more information, see Packaging your app using Visual Studio 2. Create an app manifest, and package all the required files together so that you can upload them to the Windows Store. For more information, see Packaging your app using Visual Studio 2. Projects and Solutions Work with Visual Studio 2. SP1 projects and files in both Visual Studio 2. RC and Visual Studio 2. SP1. For more information, see Visual Studio 2. RC Compatibility. Browse code in Solution Explorer. Browse the types and members in your projects, search for symbols, view a methods Call Hierarchy, find symbol references, and perform other tasks without switching between multiple tool windows. For more information, see Viewing the Structure of Code. Window Management Preview files in the Code Editor. Reduce file clutter in the editor by viewing files without opening them. Preview files appear in a blue tab on the right side of the document tab well. The file opens if you modify it or choose the Open button. For more information, see Kinds of Windows. Access frequently used files more easily. Pin files that you use often to the left side of the tab well so that you can access them easily regardless of how many files are open in the IDE. Arrange windows on multiple monitors more effectively. Dock multiple floating tool or document windows together as a raft on other monitors. Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' title='Ibm Database Add-Ins For Visual Studio 2012' />You can also create multiple instances of Solution Explorer and move them to another monitor. For more information, see How to Arrange and Dock Windows. Change the color scheme of the IDE. Choose either the Light or Dark color theme for the Visual Studio UI. For more information, see How to Change the Fonts and Colors Used in the IDE. Search Search across the IDE. Specify a word or a phrase, and then choose an entry from the list to open the dialog box or window thats associated with the item or command. Senturus comprehensive library of Cognos and Business Intelligence presentations and information. All of them are free and we add new resources regularly. DB2 10. 5 APAR Fix list contains list of APARs shipped for each fix pack in DB2 Version 10. Linux, UNIX and Windows products. The Severity column value of 1 is. Try Intellisense functionality and Improved SQL Formatter in SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio using SQL CompleteFor more information, see Quick Launch. Search in tool windows. Filter the view by entering a keyword in the search box at the top of certain tool windows, such as the Toolbox, Solution Explorer, Error List, and Team Explorer. For more information, see Finding and Replacing Text. Find strings by using regular expression syntax from the. NET Framework. Use regular expression syntax from the. NET Framework in the Find and Replace control and the Find in Files and Replace in Files dialog boxes. For more information, see Using Regular Expressions in Visual Studio. Code Editing for C Specify more semantic colorization. More C tokens now have colorization by default, and you can specify more colorizations. For more information, see Code and Text Editor. Use improved reference highlighting. You can highlight all instances of a symbol just by pointing to one instance. You can move among the highlighted references by choosing the CtrlShiftUp Arrow or CtrlShiftDown Arrow keys. You can turn this feature off or on. Choose member functions as you type. Acrobat X Pro V10 Mac Download'>Acrobat X Pro V10 Mac Download. The List Members list appears automatically as you enter text in the code editor. Results are filtered so that only relevant members appear. For more information, see Using Intelli. Sense. Take advantage of CCLI Intelli. Sense. CCLI now supports Intelli. Sense features such as Quick Info, Parameter Help, List Members, and Auto Completion. Speed up your coding by using code snippets. You can choose a code snippet from the List Members list and then fill in the required logic. Snippets are available for switch, if else, for, and other basic code constructs. You can also create custom snippets. For more information, see Code Snippets. Code Editing for Java. Script Use features of ECMAScript 5 and HTLM5 DOM. Provide Intelli. Sense for function overloads and variables. Provide Intelli. Sense information by using new elements supported in triple slash code comments. New elements include lt var and lt signature. For more information, see XML Documentation Comments Java. Script. View signatures in the statement completion list. Function signatures appear on the right side of the statement completion list. Use smart indenting, brace matching, and outlining when you write code. Use Go To Definition to locate function definitions in source code. Right click a function, and then click Go To Definition or put the cursor in the function and then choose the F1. Java. Script source file at the location in the file where the function is defined. This feature isnt supported for generated files. Get Intelli. Sense information from standard Java. Script comments. The new Intelli. Sense extensibility mechanism automatically provides Intelli. Sense when you use standard comment tags. Extend Java. Script Intelli. Sense to improve support for libraries from other organizations. Use extensibility APIs to provide a customized Intelli. Sense experience. For more information, see Extending Java. Script Intelli. Sense. Set a breakpoint within a single line of code. When a single line contains multiple statements, you can now break on a single statement. Control which objects are available in global scope. For more information, see Java. Script Intelli. Sense. View statement completion for identifiers even when accurate information about the object isnt available. For more information, see Statement Completion for Identifiers. Get Intelli. Sense information for objects in dynamically loaded scripts. The language service provides automatic support for some recognizable script loader patterns. Visual Basic Write asynchronous code in an easy and intuitive way. By using the Async feature, you can call asynchronous methods without defining continuations or splitting your code across multiple methods or lambda expressions. For more information, see Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await C and Visual Basic. Obtain caller information that assists with tracing and debugging. Understanding the Differences Microsoft Power BI versus Tableau. If you want to see recent unbiased Tableau versus Power BI public compare articles, I recommend Ken Blacks blog. He is brilliant, thorough and fair in his real world tests of both Tableau and Power BI. See Ken Blacks blog for updated, deeply technical hands on Tableau versus Power BI comparisons. The following is my original detailed, compare article. Happy New Year 2. Microsoft BI with the move to newly branded Power BIs Excel and Office 3. Cloud first, Cloud only focus. What is Microsoft Power BI There are a variety of Power BI flavors and it is a bit confusing to understand what Power BI features work with what versions of Office, Office 3. SQL Server, Share. Point, Excel add ins, and so on. UPDATE 272. 01. Biz. Intelligist added a great matrix to at http businessintelligist. Power BI.    In this article to keep it as simple as possible, I will be referring to the on premise Excel 2. Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map, Power Query and Share. Point 2. 01. 3 flavor, and the pre release Office 3. Cloud Power BI Sites, Excel 2. Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Q A Question Answer flavor. There is fantastic long term potential with Microsoft Power BI. In the short term, it is currently introducing a big change and gaps into the Microsoft BI ecosystem causing many groups to explore Tableau and other BI options. As I mentioned in my opening blog post in 2. I returned to multiple BI vendor platform implementation versus the Microsoft centricpurist approach to continue to grow professionally and supplement the solid, basic BI offering Microsoft provides. Last year I dived into Tableau, R, Predixion, SAS JMP, Frontline Systems Solver, Hortonworks Hadoop, Rapid. Miner and a plethora of other solutions. It was not just me exploring what else was out there. Quite a few other BI professionals, Microsoft MVPs and partners in my network did the same thing quietly, under the radar to maintain their Microsoft status and relationships. Even a PASS Microsoft BI User Group openly showcased Qlik. View as a main presentation topic. Note Qlik. View is not a Microsoft BI supplement but rather an all up, Microsoft BI replacement platform often pitching O Delta for Analysis Services migration. Due to my Microsoft BI heavy background and vendor neutral status, one of the most frequent questions that I get these days is how does Microsoft Power BI compare to Tableau. There are quite a few blog posts comparing these two solutions to one another. I also hear a lot of comments about both solutions that clearly indicate a general lack of understanding about these two offerings. I dont believe it has to be a one OR the other choice. Each BI offering has strengths and weaknesses. In my mind, these two solutions can be better together as my free recorded webcast suggests. The key is understanding the differences between these two BI offerings and when, what use cases and scenarios does one make more sense to use than the other. There are far too many differences to list in a blog. Top of mind, the big ones are as follows Completely Different Depth and Breadth of Functionality Tableau, Microsoft Power BI Power Pivot and Power View may look and sound like they have similar capabilities on the surface but they are completely different with regards to both breadth and depth of functionality. Tableau has amazingly deep visual analytic and dashboard capabilities. It does not have an ETL or data modeling tool. Microsoft Power Query has great self service ETL and Power Pivot has strong data modeling features and multidimensional formulas via DAX. Power View has very limited, basic data visualization capabilities. Power Map is a unique animal altogether it is a stand alone, desktop Excel add in mapping movie tool that has map data layering capabilities. Q A is also a unique feature not seen in mainstream BI. I usually encourage folks to try these offerings for themselves to personally experience the sheer magnitudes of differences. If you just need simple data visualizations, bar and line charts with no mobile, anonymous access on the web or embedding, Power View could fulfill your requirements. If you need an enterprise dashboard solution or advanced data visualization, you will most likely need Tableau or another third party dashboard solution. On Premise BI Platform Implementation Tableau is a closely unified BI platform. Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server can literally be installed in a few minutes or hours. A fully functioning Tableau Server can be installed on a Windows machine with 6 or 8. GB of RAM for evaluation. You dont need to join Tableau Server to a Windows domain at all. Tableau Server can be stand alone or integrated into portals Share. Spore 100 Save Game there. Point is not required. Tableau does not require BI Professionals to set up, manage or develop solution content for self service or enterprise level BI. Microsoft Power BI is a collection of different Excel add ins, SQL Server services features, Share. Point andor the Office 3. Cloud. Although desktop Power Pivot add ins can be easily installed in Excel 2. Power View in Excel 2. Microsoft BI on premise server set ups are complicated, one week or longer installations and configurations of Share. Point, SQL Server and Reporting Services that also require Active Directory accounts and Kerberos for authentication. Note Power View is both embedded in Excel 2. Reporting Services Power View reports hosted in Share. Point. Each version has a different mix of capabilities. For example, Excel 2. Power View cant connect to Analysis Services multidimensional models a. DAXMD support and cant export to Power. Point. Reporting Services Power View can connect to Analysis Services multidimensional models a. DAXMD support and views can be exported to Power. Point, etc. Excel Power View and Reporting Services Power View cant be swapped outimported between the two different Power View versions. On premise Share. Point Enterprise 2. GB RAM. In general, Microsoft BI set up and configuration usually requires BI Professionals, Share. Point Professionals and Network Administrators to participate it is not at all a business user level endeavor. Microsoft Power BI content development ranges from simple Excel Power View reports that any business user can create to more advanced multidimensional Power Pivot models with DAX that BI Professionals create. BI Professionals usually create enterprise level Microsoft BI solutions. Cloud BIImplementation Both Tableau and Microsoft Power BI Cloud offerings are easy to set up like many cloud solutions they take a few minutes to get spun up and running. Tableau Cloud BI was released in summer 2. Microsoft Power BI previewed in the fall of 2. January 2, 2. 01. Both solutions copy on premise and web data to Cloud their storage models. Tableau copies data via scheduled data refreshes to Tableau Data Extracts TDE in the cloud. Microsoft copies data via Data Management Gateway to Office 3. Excel Power Pivot models. Data Source Connectivity Tableau offers a deep library of enhanced drivers for data connectivity across many vendor data sources. This is an area of significant engineering investment and cross vendor collaboration difference. Microsoft Power BI can only connect to a subset of vendor data source types that Tableau offers. Microsoft primarily invests in enhancing SQL Server connectivity. Many other vendor data sources are not as elegant to use with Power BI.