Agriculture Website Template

Agriculture Website Templates In' title='Agriculture Website Templates In' />Agriculture Insurance Company of India. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited. Public Sector company. Industry. Insurance. Founded. 20. 02. Headquarters. Amba Deep Building, 1. Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 1. Key people. Shri Joseph Plappallil Chairman Managing Director. Products. Crop Insurance. Number of employees. Website. Official website. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited AIC offers yield based and weather based crop insurance programs in almost 5. India. It is A Public Sector Insurance Company. It covers almost 2. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited is a limited company headquartered out of New Delhi, India 2AIC aims to provide insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers in the failure of any of the notified crop as a result of natural calamities, pests and diseases to restore their creditworthiness for the ensuing season to encourage the farmers to adopt progressive farming practices, high value in puts and higher technology to help stabilize farm incomes, particularly in disaster years. The plan provides comprehensive risk insurance for yield losses due to natural fire and lightning, storms, hailstorms, cyclone, typhoon, tempest, hurricane, tornado flood, inundation, landslide, drought, dry spells, pestsdiseases, etc. IncorporationeditAIC was incorporated on 2. December 2. 00. 2 with an authorized capital of Rs. The initial paid up capital was Rs. General Insurance Corporation of India GIC 3. NABARD 3. 0 and the four public sector general insurance companies 8. National Insurance Co. Ltd., Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd., New India Assurance Co. Agro-farm-an-agricultural-Mobile-Website-Template.jpg' alt='Agriculture Website Templates Themeforest' title='Agriculture Website Templates Themeforest' />Ltd., and United India Insurance Co. Ltd. 34AIC is under the administrative control of Ministry of Finance, Government of India, and under the operational supervision of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority IRDA, Hyderabad, India, is the regulatory body governing AIC. Commencement of businesseditAIC commenced its business operations from 1 April 2. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme NAIS from GIC. Elementary School PowerPoint template is another back to school design for PowerPoint that you can use to make PowerPoint presentations for School. The template. Agriculture Website Templates DownloadAIC has been designated by the Govt., of India as the Implementing Agency of NAIS, its country wide crop insurance program. Offices and productseditAIC has 1. India. AIC sells agriculture and allied insurance products and schemes. A significant amount of business is derived out of the yield based National Agriculture Insurance Scheme NAIS, National Crop Insurance Programme NCIP and the weather based Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme WBCIS. Some other products of AIC, developed in house, are Rainfall Insurance Scheme for Coffee RISC5 Coffee Rainfall insurance is a unique rainfall insurance product designed in consultation with Coffee Board, Central Coffee Research Institute and coffee growers of the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The rainfall insurance provides effective risk management aid to those coffee growers likely to be impacted by adverse rainfall incidence. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. The insurance operates during 1 March to 3. August. The periods under different coverage are as follows a Blossom Shower 1 March to 1. April 3. 0 April 1. May. b Backing Shower 1. Barbie Horse Adventures Wild Horse Rescue For Pc. Blossom Shower till 3. Monsoon Shower 1 July to 3. August Period of insurance under each coverage option is to be specified separately for each zone rain gauge station area. Bio fuel TreePlant Insurance Policy Named peril insurance covering six different species of plantstrees, available for commercial production of Bio diesel, with optional cover against drought risk. Cardamom Plant Yield Insurance The scheme is designed in consultation with Spices board to provide conventional cover against deathloss of plant bushes. Cover available for small and large cardamom varieties. Potato Crop Insurance Parametric named peril insurance linked to plant population, available for potato growers under contract farming. Pulp. Wood Tree Insurance Policy The policy covers against pecuniary loss suffered on account of total loss or damage to the trees occasioned by specific perilsrisks like fire, flood, cyclone, storm, frost, pests and diseases. Rain. Fall Insurance Scheme For Coffee RISC Failure of Blossom shovers, Backing showers and Excess rainfall during monsoon and post monsoon seasons affect the crop yield. Scheme offers cover and is implement in all coffee growing zones of Andhra pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Mizoram, Odisha and Tamil Nadu with subsidy support from Government. Rubber Plantation Insurance Covers deathloss of rubber trees against natural calamities and other non preventable perils, applicable to both mature and immature plants, based on establishment cost and loss of future returns. Varsha Bima Rain. Fall Insurance Covers anticipated shortfall in crop yield on account of deficit and excess rainfall, consecutive dry and wet days, etc. It is voluntary for all classes of cultivators who stand to lose financially upon adverse incidence of rainfall and they can take insurance under the scheme. Agriculture-Website-Template-with-Content-Intensive-Layout.png' alt='Agriculture Website Templates Free Download' title='Agriculture Website Templates Free Download' />It is available for many of the seasonal field crops. Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme Named peril insurance designed in consultation with Coconut Development Board CDB, covering coconut palms in the age groups of 41. Fire, Lightening, Cyclone, Storm, Flood, Pests, and Widespread diseases, Earthquake, Severe Draught, etc. The pilot is available in specified districts of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamil Nadu. Harville-Agriculture-Website-Template.jpg' alt='Agriculture Website Templates Free' title='Agriculture Website Templates Free' />Agriculture Website TemplatesCDB would provide 5. State to the extent of 2. Cultivating conversations about food and agriculture. The U. S. Farmers Ranchers Alliance and Discovery Education have partnered on an exciting new initiative to. Chemistry PowerPoint Template is a free Chemistry template for PowerPoint presentations that you can download and use at classroom. Free website templates, free html templates, free web page layouts and free logo designs for quick website design. RolandStory Agriculture Education Preparing students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural. Weather Insurance RABI It is a mechanism for providing effective risk management aid to those individuals and institutions likely to be impacted by adverse weather incidences. The most important benefits of Weather index insurance are,Trigger events like adverse weather events can be independently verified and measured. It allows for speedy settlement of indemnities, as early as fortnight after indemnity period. All growers, may it be SmallMarginal, Owners or TenantsSharecroppers can buy this weather insurance. See alsoeditExternal linkseditReferencesedit. Free Joomla 3. 5 Templates Themegoat. Joomla 3. 0 template 1. Some people asked me to design a casinopoker template for Joomla 3. Nice green and dark colors that works with J3. Joomla 3. 1. Our thanks goes out to the binary options comparison site binaryoptionsbroker. Live demo. Download. VN F 1. 9. 1. 01.